
Rebecca Dykeman



Hello! I am a young story teller, seeking to revive my love of writing. I haven’t been feeling the motivation that used to drive me to create in well over two years. I am hoping that by connecting to other writers, through this fabulously interactive game, I will be able to create inspiring, fun, and synergistic stories once again.

I think that by playing off of one another, we can create something we never could alone. I’m excited to try something new and meet others who share a passion of writing. I hope I can help make your experience enriching and fun.

I don’t have a twitter, but if you would like to message me, my email is sistervaina@gmail.com.

My skype is poetofbreath. If you wish to add me, please include a little message so I know who you are!

Happy writing!


Time zone (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
Joined Apr 8, 2014
Membership Status



Last online 5 years ago
Word Count 116,086
Forum Posts 1
Completed... Tae Smythe in Light of Day
Handed Off... Riska Galmi in Aelsia - Semi-Fantasy


The Basics

  • Completed Your Profile
  • Created a Game
  • Created a Character
  • Made a Move
  • Played a Card
  • Completed a Challenge
  • Completed a Scene
  • Posted in Forums
  • Sent an Invitation
  • Wrote 1,000 Words
  • Completed a Game

  • Created 20 Characters
  • Accepted a Character
  • Made the Cut
  • Improvisor
Hosting & Narrating

  • Narrated 1 Game

  • Writing Machine (100,000 Words)
  • Collaborator (300,000 Words)
  • Completed 90 Scenes
  • Completed 50 Chapters
  • Completed 1 Act
  • Made 600 Moves
  • Completed 20 Challenges
  • First Strong Outcome
  • First Weak Outcome
  • Sharing Is Caring
  • Completed 1 Subplot
  • Completed 1 Goal
  • 1 Card Refresh
  • Speedster (10 Moves in a Day)
  • Sprinter

  • 25 Game Followers
  • Socializer (50 Players)
  • Sporting
  • Storium Member