Ambassador Globulon of the Zarglop Cooperative arrived via transporter on the bridge of the Dauntless. Dauntless had been tasked with hosting Globulon for discussions of a mutual protection treaty between Zarglop and the Earth Alliance. The expansionist Blarog Empire had been making veiled threats against both Earth and Zarglop, and the a protection treaty had been deemed wise. Discussions could not begin immediately, as a more immediate crisis needed attention.
Moments after Globulon appeared on the Dauntless, all communication channels with the Zarglop ship were lost. The transporter was also nonfunctional, meaning the ambassador was, for now, trapped on the Dauntless.
Hosted and narrated by:
Kevin Schwandt (Kschwandt)
Started 01/08/23.
Scenes played: 0
License: Community License