For generations the human settlements have dotted these lands, a quiet community connected by a network of paths. Independent and self-sufficient, the folks here are simple people, living and dying in realitive peace.
But last week, The Invaders came. All was looted and burned, the population slaughtered, and these lands left in ruin. As you crawl out from your hidey-holes and root cellars in the burned-out shell of your homes, you blink in the bright sunshine for the first time in days.
The howl of nearby wolves snaps you from your shocked trance, and something, someone moves in the woods, just out of sight as you turn your head. As a slightly chill breeze blows the first few leaves off the trees, you realize all your stores for the upcoming winter are gone.
Hosted and narrated by:
Dr Jay (DrJay)
Started 03/04/16.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License