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A collage showing several scenes: a tall-masted ship sailing through fog, people carrying good on their heads as they wade through dark waters, and a town's light shimmering on a shore under sparkling aurora skies.

Whispers of Treason in Avalon

Queen Elaine has agreed to send aid to Stefan Heilgrund in Eisen to help stem the latest flood of monsters. You have either been asked or have volunteered to assist her soldiers because of knowledge and skills you possess or goals you hope to achieve. In Heilgrund, you begin to realize that more is at play than you initially believed. What is hiding in Eisen? Can you stop it before it starts affecting other nations?

Hosted and narrated by: Marko (Depechefloyd)

Started 12/06/24. Scenes played: 4

License: Community License

image source: John Wick Presents