The desert city of Kyros is reknowned for its role as the mercantile hub of the Desert Principalities. It’s vibrant and bustling market place was famously described by D’doir the learned as the ‘centre point of the known world, where all things are possible (for a price)’.
Alas, all things change and recently trade in Kyros has suffered something of a downturn. Smaller markets elsewhere in the Principalities have been leeching away the brightest and most exotic (read illicit) traders. Those traders that remain in Kyros are conscious their livelihoods are slipping away before their eyes. The recent crackdown on black market goods by Captain Iska and her hated city guard has pushed tensions to breaking point.
You have travelled from far and wide to be here in this tinderbox of a city. Whatever your errand, you will need to ensure that you tread carefully.
Hosted and narrated by:
Richard Sharp (Riven)
Completed 07/11/20.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License