Since the dawn of civilization, there have always been special people. The unique. The talented. The extraordinary.
The gifted.
Diviners, fire-starters, empaths, healers, clairvoyants, makers…
Some called it magic. Some thought it a madness.
Gifteds were shunned in many cultures for centuries, if not outright harmed. And when they weren’t, they were put on display. Freaks and spectacles, carving out their own secret pockets in society for years and years.
Slowly, reform came. The first institutions came in the early 20th century. “Schools” for the Gifteds, said to teach them to control their magic. In reality, these early institutions controlled the individuals, not their magic. It “taught” them little more than the wickedness of veiled cruelty.
Change finally began–truly–with the political and ideological movements of the 1960s and onward. With protests for students’ rights and racial and gender liberation sweeping the world, the treatment of Gifteds came under examination as well.
Fast-forward 20 years and the first real, progressive institution for Gifteds was founded–Raven’s Peak Accelerated School for the Gifted. Students come to the Peak in their mid-teens for specialized educations, centered around both their Gifts and their interests, preparing them for a future in a newer world, where Gifts are not only respected, but desired.
Now, the year is 2026. It is the 40th anniversary of Raven Peak’s founding, and it is sure to be an exciting one at that…
Genre/Vibes: contemporary fantasy/sci-fi, dark academia, mystery
Note: This world is derived from a setting for a book by host, Kaitlin Simpson. The book’s setting takes place roughly 20 years after this Storium, wherein a worldwide bio-war has occurred, suggesting political tensions would be occurring at the time of this story. While light references could happen, this game should not focus on greater world politics and should ignore any real world politics as of the current year.
Hosted and narrated by:
Kaitlin Simpson (ktsimpson)
Started 02/01/24.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License