*Narrator’s Note: Thierry developed and initiated this game under its original title “Soldiers of the year II.” In January 2017, the role of Narrator was handed over to Tacronicus, a fellow far less well-acquainted with the Napoleonic Era than its original author. My apologies for the inevitable inaccuracies and anachronisms which will no doubt creep in during the period of my management!
Soldiers, you are naked and ill-fed! Government owes you much and can give you nothing. The patience and courage you have shown in the midst of these rocks are admirable; but they gain you no renown; no glory results to you from your endurance. It is my design to lead you into the most fertile plains of the world. Rich provinces and great cities will be in your power; there you will find honor, glory, and wealth. Soldiers of Italy! will you be wanting in courage or perseverance?
The game was originally titled “The Soldiers of Year II” and will probably change again a few times as the story progresses.
The story is about the young men conscripted during the Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. Each chapter represents a particular episode of the period, and the players gradually age their characters, hopefully through 20+ years of European history. Right now, the year is 1796 and the place is Northern Italy, when a young upstart named Bonaparte takes command.
Recruitement will be open regularly, as people drift in and out of the army all the time.
Hosted and narrated by:
Tacronicus Cornelius (Tacronicus)
Completed 02/20/17.
Scenes played: 25
License: Community License
image source: Napoleon at the Bridge of Arcole (Vernet)