You are a normal being. A peasant. A scoundrel. But worst of all: a sinner. You have committed to one goal in life that has ruined others around you, but you either don’t care or haven’t noticed this. So one day, when you are walking your way to work, you get caught from behind and are put to sleep. The next thing you know, you wake up in a room with others, like you. You aren’t harmed in any way…yet. The only thing you notice different about yourself is the weird tattoo on your body part that won’t come off. It’s definitely not from permanent marker. But now you can’t think of that, because now you are trialed. Can you survive the game of life?
Hosted and narrated by:
Ian Reiter (IantheBrilliant)
Started 10/02/17.
Scenes played: 0
License: Community License