Twenty years ago Elf Mountain was taken.
Now it is time to take it back.
It was home to the purebred Sanate elves, and also their cousins, Mākai elves, commonly known as wood elves.
Within its heart was the Jinta crystal - huge, running the length of the mountain, solid on the outside but vibrant with liquid magma coursing through it.
While the Sanate elves attended it, it provided the natural energy for crops, creatures and peoples in the surrounding lands to do well and prosper.
Then the Garginoids invaded. Times before they had been repelled, but this time they were organised and determined. They seized the mountain, and forced most of the elves out.
They thought they could control the Jinta.
They could stifle it - but they could not fully control it.
The Sanate elves turned to stone as the Garginoids corrupted its power.
The Mākai elves, however, were able to escape and make homes elsewhere.
All over the land, crop yields were high, and deaths from disease increased. The sky just seemed a little greyer.
The Garginoids also suffered. They became unable to reproduce, and struggled to obtain enough food. Of course, they terrorised nearby villages for resources.
The average life span of a Garginoid is fifty years. So, now, twenty years later, it is reckoned safe to return. The elves have built themselves up and acquired some new friends. The Garginoids they calculate are now of reduced numbers, and advanced age…
However, the journey will not be easy. Where once there was harmony and justice, now there is suspicion and fear. Hard, even wicked rulers have replaced benign ones; and cruel creatures have moved into the region…
Hosted and narrated by:
Bexja (Bexja)
Started 12/05/24.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License