Another day, another death. That’s how it is in this world.
In this fairy-tale switched around, three people strive to get their way.
One is the villain.
One in the hero.
One is the other.
The villain must destroy the world.
The hero must stop the villain in whatever way he/she/z (non-gender binary/gender fluid character) sees fit.
The other must stop the fight that ensues between the hero and the villain, and possibly take the glory for his/her/z’s self.
This is a fantasy. Magical creatures roam.
But there is a problem.
What is it? How can you solve it?
That’s for you to figure out.
Sally forth, my hero. Set out, my villain. Embark, my other.
The fate of the world depends on it.
Hosted and narrated by:
Silver Mist (kittengirltiger)
Started 06/02/19.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License