Its 1869. The US is recovering from the Civil war, while Europe is recovering from Napoleon’s campaign across Europe. One day, Reports of the Undead rising around one of Austria-Hungary’s Capital, Vienna, are attacking people and turning them into more Undead. Soon, the undead would ravage across Europe, earning them the Nickname, The Ravagers. The Ravager’s are mostly contained in europe, since if they tried to migrate, they will starve and die. They are also slightly intelligent, so they could pilot something like a minor ship. Great Britain was spared because of how it was separated from the Mainland. One, day, you decide to join the navy to protect your homeland. After they put you through officer training, your put on the HMS Dover, a Monarch-class Ironclad, based in Dover. Your objective, command your ship with the other officers to effectively stop any Ravager infested ship trying to get to the mainland and infect Britain. Good luck.
Hosted and narrated by:
Mohammad Khan (Fast4K)
Started 01/06/24.
Scenes played: 0
License: Community License