They killed your mother and kidnapped your fiance…
But actually that hasn’t happened yet because we’ll cover that in the first scene.
You must embark on a cliche legendary quest to learn how to shoot hadookens and stuff.
Soon they will all feel the wrath of…
- 1 Player but up to 7 people can play one or more supporting roles to THE CHOSEN ONE
- 3rd person past-tense, THE CHOSEN ONE has spoken!
- Drop-in/Drop-out Gameplay, except for THE CHOSEN ONE
- Antagonists welcome!!!
Game- The Chosen One is a parody of martial arts media, most of all the rise and fall of Shenmue (Sega/Ys). The story will begin fairly grounded and towards the end we’ll add all the floating swords, spells, jaguar-headed wrestlers, and alien-ninja-robots, that is if we even get to the end. Nonmember status or not, I’ve decided that bite-sized short stories will be the best way to work our way through a martial arts epic.
Narration- I haven’t narrated anything yet so I can’t cite references but I can tell you I view Storium as a cool set of guidelines and resources instead of hard and fast rules to live by. The point of this game will be to delve into some of these tools and see what they can do.
Literacy- As long as you aren’t retconning or carelessly godmodding other characters, post as many or as little words as you like.
Power Levels- The chosen one will utilize vague classifications of power to provide a sense of balance when encountering npcs. The following numbers chart a rough equivalent of what the character is capable of.
- 0- All standard people, be they trained or untrained, weak or strong, smart or watch reality tv. This would likely cover 98% of the population.
- 1- Top level fighters on numerous performance enhancers.
- 2- The first level beyond real-life attainability, will have a minor supernatural effect.
- 3- FAR faster and stronger than a human could ever be, a character who can fight large groups of lesser enemies.
- 4 Can probably dodge bullets.
- 5 Most likely capable of some sort of minor aura power.
- 6 Able to stop bullets, under the right circumstances.
- 7+ Increasing degrees of S-tier
(For this story you shouldn’t have to worry about anything above power level 2.)
Hosted and narrated by:
Nunya Beezwax (Grandclam)
Started 09/19/23.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License
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