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Star Trek: Redemption

Star Trek: Redemption

The USS Argo is only known by that moniker on official forms and among the admiralty. Everywhere else it’s known as the Albatross, the dumping ground where all Starfleet’s screw-ups and near-failures are sent to get them out of the way. Tasked with carrying out routine planetary monitoring in the Beta Quadrant, it’s the perfect place to send the people too sensitive or too troublesome for normal duties.

These routine duties are about to be disrupted by an unexpected discovery, however, and it’ll be up to the misfits and underdogs of the Albatross to prove everyone else wrong once and for all.

Hosted and narrated by: Erin 🐝 (erindubitably)

Completed 01/12/18. Scenes played: 15

License: Community License