Safe Haven Games, is a safe haven for everyone. Be they rich, poplar, or not; everyone is welcome. The only rules are no bulling and no fighting. If you break the rules you can be band form the store.
The Owner, Eleanor Pragetter, is a kind older woman. She is quite knowledgeable of the games she sells. Even the obscure ones. She also strictly enforces the rules. It’s what makes the store a Safe Haven.
The Rest of the town…not so much. There is always something that feels off outside the doors of Safe Haven Games.
Player notes: Characters should be between the ages of 13-17. They should be mostly human, but can have something supernatural about them. Examples: The Sight, empathy, dabble in magic (Prestedigitations or minor rituals)
The game will start out around a game table (First scene), but then the characters will be drawn out of the store. After the situation is dealt with (which can take days), they will return to the store. Which will start again. Kind of monster of the week. But each situation will connect to form a larger narrative.
Depending on the pacing of the group, about 5-7 mini arcs before the end of the bigger arch.
Think Buffy and Scooby-Doo. Players determine which way it leans.
Hosted and narrated by:
Justin Hall (Twisted_Gnome)
Completed 11/29/15.
Scenes played: 24
License: Community License