This is my first attempt of running an adventure through Storium. Do be kind.
There are more dimensions than you could ever imagine. More planets than you could ever dream of.
Countless civilisations and planets encounter their extinction on a daily basis. Perhaps their world was bathed in nuclear fire. Or an alien invasion has genocide as their goal. A zombie apocalypse or a hyper-infectious pathogen, whatever the cause, the end result for this civilization would be death.
Whatever you are, whoever you are, your civilisation has met its end. There was no hope. You were tired, defeated and alone.
All that changed when you looked up in the sky. Whatever had filled up the sky until this moment was replaced by something metal, that almost covered the entire sky. If your world understood space, you would have probably identified it as a spaceship.
You did something; A desperate prayer, a scream for mercy, or something that made you stand out from the crowd. And that was when your life upon your planet ended.
And another one began. Welcome to the Precipice, the dimension-travelling ship of the ages.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 05/24/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License