Re-opened for more characters. We’re still on that first day, so it should be easy enough to find a way to intro new characters. Apply today if you’re interested!
Saturday, 31st August 2019
It’s the last weekend before your first year of university. Classes start on Tuesday, so you have three days to say goodbye to your family and friends, leave familiar places behind, settle into your dorm or housing, and get to know your new neighbours.
You’ve got an eventful few days ahead of you.
Orientation is a barebones Storium for beginners in three scenes. It will focus on developing characters and their interactions within the Storium system.
Scene 1: Leaving home - show the life your character is leaving behind.
Scene 2: Moving in - meeting the roommates/neighbours.
Scene 3: Orientation - the first official scheduled event of your university career.
Make as simple or as complex a character as you like; we’ll learn more as we play. (Although please make sure your bio is at least a paragraph of 80-100 words.)
Hosted and narrated by:
Mysterious Stranger (Furare)
Started 04/19/22.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License