Set during the Great Orc Invasion, the story follows a mixed group of heroes that try to infiltrate and disable an orc stronghold.
¤ Note the harsh word limits: 50 for players and 100 for the narrator. The focus is on immediate action and dialogue.
¤ Write in present tense. If you write in past tense, I’ll ask for a rewrite.
¤ Use a black-and-white silhouette avatar.
¤ Don’t be afraid to be generic. Make an obvious decision rather than wait for inspiration.
¤ Don’t be afraid to take control of the story. Be bold.
¤ The aim is six players, but I may add more. My recent experience is that people quickly stop posting and go missing.
¤ There won’t be challenges enough to each spend three cards in every scene. At first, spend one card per move to give everyone a chance to act. If someone doesn’t act for a week or so, the remaining players have cards left to conclude the challenge.
¤ Most of all, have fun!
Hosted and narrated by:
Jonas Ferry (Jonas_Ferry)
Completed 11/15/16.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License