It’s time for the Prince to get married. His parents are getting sick of him sitting around the palace, loafing and reading naughty parchments. It’s really time he got up off his lazy butt and got married so he can start the important business of making heirs.
So they decide to have a royal ball, just like his cousin had (he met such a nice girl, and she has killer taste in shoes!). After all, if it worked once, why not again?
Charming doesn’t go for it, though - no, he wants to get to know the lady in question for longer than the length of a dance before he marries her. The King and Queen are aghast, beside themselves. They met, after all, when he rescued her from an ogre, but ever since the Ogre Accord was signed, those guys are all working in the mines. No ogres worth their salt are kidnapping princesses these days.
It’s the Royal Wizard who comes up with the idea: to have a ball and at the end of it, select six maidens to stay in the palace with them and compete for the Prince’s affections. He’ll marry the winner, and she gets the honor of birthing tiny princelings to continue the line.
Astonishingly enough, Prince Charming and his parents all agree to this zany plan. After all, what could go wrong?
Hosted and narrated by:
Erika (vlalekat)
Completed 01/13/18.
Scenes played: 11
License: Community License