Hi, I’m trouble, your narrator. Welcome to Moonrise Over Biraweth, based on @wordwill’s swords-and-sorcery world of perilous dungeons.
If you wish to play this game:
1) Please read the storium instructions by clicking on the Help link.
2) Communicate your time commitment when you submit your character. Do you want to interact daily? Every other day? Once or twice a week? Do you intend to play intensely for a few days every month? If your time commitment changes during the course of the game, say so in the commentary.
2a) If you commit to playing a move daily or every other day, then your player character can play a main role. (Think Spock, Kirk and McCoy on original Star Trek)
2b) If you commit to playing a move at least once or twice weekly, then your player character can have a regular secondary role. (Think Uhura, Sulu, Nurse Chapel, Scotty)
2c) Can’t play weekly? Tell me what your time commitment or constraints are, so together we can find your player character an appropriate supporting role, a recurring role, a cameo, etc.
3) Please work with the narrator to define limits of your character’s physical strength, agility, charisma, wisdom, intelligence, constitution, funds, equipment, magical or clerical abilities, superpowers, etc. Feel free to write and add artwork to your own strength, weakness and subplot cards.
4) Please read the narrative in the story.
5) The story moves forward when players meet challenges and overcome obstacles. Contribute to a scene by writing what your character says and does and optionally playing one or more cards on a challenge. If you have no intention of playing a card on a particular challenge, please let your fellow players know in the commentary.
6) Please play your own character, that is, write what your character says and does.
6a) Interact with, act upon, but please don’t commandeer other players’ characters without their express permission clearly expressed in the comments.
6b) Interact with, act upon, but please don’t commandeer non-player characters, unless you have won control of a challenge. If you have won control of a challenge, then you can control non-player characters within the context of the scene and the challenge’s outcome. Otherwise, the narrator controls non-player characters.
7) Understand that the adventure includes dangers, and your character may die. If your party brings your dead character to a sufficiently powerful cleric, resurrection may be possible. Otherwise, you may create and submit a new character.
About your narrator
Your narrator lives in the drafty, low-rent tower of the castle, surrounded by RPG reference books, hex-grid paper, figurines, dice, NPCs, cats, and dragons. The narrator’s tasks include opening and closing scenes, setting out challenges, deciding the conclusions of challenges with uncertain outcomes, controlling non-player characters, feeding the cats, and cleaning up after the dragons. Feel free to communicate about this game with the narrator in the commentary, even if you know the narrator in RL.
Player characters:
Chapter 1, Scene 1:
This adventure starts out, like so many others, in a tavern.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 06/25/14.
Scenes played: 13
License: Community License