The town is a small one, without much to distinguish it from others of its meager size. The one thing it does have that most towns don’t is a temple, known to the citizens simply as The Temple of The Wise. It’s not as grand as many you’ll find in big cities, but is adorned with shrines to nearly every god and goddess worshiped in the land, all careful cared for by the same woman, Aunsel Gillaurd. She’s been in the town longer than most can remember, and for the entire time has dutifully led anyone who wishes in prayer or other acts of devotion, and has led many down different paths of faith, each unique to them.
She’s always been kind and devoted wholly to her task of caring for the temple, even if she doesn’t claim to follow any deity herself. Only, she’s been different lately. She’s found wandering the town at night in a daze, and has been secluding herself in her room at the temple during the day. When you do manage to catch her, she’s always muttering about some kind of cave, about someone being lost, and about how things need to be fixed. She’s always done so much for the town, so its only fitting that you all do something for her, and put whatever it is she’s worrying about right.
Hosted and narrated by:
Scarlet Saphire (ScarletSchema)
Started 12/04/23.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License