In the wake of the recent economic downturn home ownship seemed like an impossible fantasy, until one of your friends proposed a creative solution. If you pooled your resources the group of you could afford to buy and buy big. After a few months of searching you found the perfect property.
Located on an rare acre lot in a quiet and historic suburb north of Boston, the property has a history almost as old as the town itself. It was a slave plantation in colonial times, the home of a progressive minister with a famous libertine son in the mid-19th century, and a boarding house in the early 20th. Centuries of transformations have left it asymmetrical and sprawling, with multiple basements and attics and an endless number of hidden spaces. The old barn and carriage house hold several lifetimes of detritus, with undiscovered treasures hidden amid the trash. The place needs some work, and the handier members of your group look eagerly forward to a lifetime of tinkering and exploring what lays behind the horsehair plaster.
Once you move in, you will begin to see that the house has darker secrets, secrets that will terrify and twist you as they have so many residents before.
A Word From The Narrator
A few years ago I bought a huge house with a bunch of friends. Despite the presence of the occasional creepy doll, it is a decidedly friendly house and most certainly not haunted or otherwise endowed with scariness. But what if it was?
I want this to be a house horror game, and most, if not all, the scenes will take place in the house and on the property. I’m heavily inspired by House of Leaves (in terms of content, not style) and the first season of American Horror Story in addition to the well developed “creepy house” genre and, of course, my own labrynthine home.
I’m looking forward to collaboratively developing the house itself, along with its human and inhuman denizens, during game play. While I would like most of the player characters to be the home owners, I would like at least one or two players to take on a more antagonistic roles as spirits, monsters, or even the house itself. I want the horrors in the house to have their own stories and pathos.
Most of the story’s action will be social, so I’m looking for complex and well-developed mult-dimensional characters! The cards I have created are really just examples. While you should feel free to use them, I encourage you to make your own.
A Note On Quitting:
This looks like it will be be a large and sprawling game, much like the house itself. While it may be that no one leaves Labyrinth House, that same is not true for this game. If at any point you get bored, don’t have time, or don’t want to play any more for any reason, there will be no hard feelings. Just let me know and your character can die spectacularly, disappear into the house, or perhaps even find eternal peace.
Hosted and narrated by:
Meaghan (Satyrgrl)
Started 12/16/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License