A world forged by dragons and torn apart by war.
A world of evil villains, brave heroes, and the people caught in between.
A world of adventure—the world of Eberron.
An uneasy peace lies over the land. Intrigue, unrest, the schemes of dark powers, and open warfare interrupt this peace.
Many groups struggle for power. Many of them plan and execute cunning plots out of the public eye. Even as the Church of the Silver Flame works to erase evil from Eberron, the Lords of Dust plot to wipe out civilization.
Magic is infused into the land. Everyone sees the gifts of magic. Magical technology is everywhere: everburning streetlights, elemental airships, and the speeding lightning rail.
Hosted and narrated by:
Jan Bernd ten Berg (JBtB)
Started 02/04/20.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License