You were travelling towards the mountain pass, far too late in the season, the heavy snow making every move difficult, and the grey light barely sufficient in the deep forest. Then you heard the horns, loud and sinister, and you knew they were hunting. Now, nobody knew who they were, or how many, but people would later find the bodies of their victims, hanging from the trees or bloody and dismembered in the clearings.
You hurried, pushing through the pain, cursing the traces you left behind with every step, and saw the mouth of a cave, up the white slope. Reaching it, you discovered that you were not alone, and that others had found refuge here too, looking as worried and scared as you surely did. Would you find safety in numbers? Would the cave become a deadly trap? Could one of you actually be one of them?
Hosted by:
Thierry Michel (Thierry)
Rotating narration
Started 02/04/16.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License