1/25/15 Invites Reopened: Our lead singer character was retired and we’re looking for a new one! I’m available at andreabegins.storium@gmail.com if anyone’s interested or has questions about the game.
Starting a pop-punk band in a city overrun with supernatural creatures is really no different from starting a pop-punk band in any other city: you pay your dues, sleep in the van, play whatever stage they’ll let you jump up on. Sometimes you get paid in drinks, and sometimes you get thrown out before your set because you started a barfight when some fuckhead called your lead singer a nasty slur.
Logistically, it’s a little more complicated. Your bassist is restricted to the shadows during daytime shows, and your drummer has no corporeal form with which to move their drumset (and everybody else is kind of bitter about it). But you can still battle of the bands with the best of them, and maybe someday make it big enough to smash your guitars without worrying about how to replace them before the next show.
This is my first attempt at narrating a game, and I’m looking forward to working with whatever cool characters you can dream up - there’s a bit of structure in the overview for character ideas, but if you don’t like them, ditch them; I’ll adjust the synopsis to fit.
I originally conceived of the idea as a supernatural battle-of-the-bands laid over a very loose adaptation of the Odyssey - manager/girlfriend Penelope waiting at the venue, warding off other groups vying for your spot while the band fights Herculean obstacles to make it to the performance in time. If you’re into it, I’m into it, but I’m flexible, and we’ll see where it goes.
I don’t expect this to be a high-intensity game, so I guess starting out the expectation will be one scene per week? But we’ll just play at whatever pace we fall into.
Hosted and narrated by:
Andie (AndieBegins)
Started 12/09/14.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License