The year is 2039. After decades of effort and international cooperation, a crew of men and women from across the world finally managed a historic feat: landing on the surface of Mars. This rare moment of almost universal pride and wonder at the scope of the accomplishment was immediately overshadowed when live broadcasts of the landing were hijacked across the globe, transmitting a signal of unknown origin.
The broadcasts came over television, radio, even internet streams. The exact content differed slightly from region to region, always broadcast in the most widely spoken language in the area. Language aside, the meaning of the broadcast remained essentially unchanged.
“Congratulations, humanity! By mastering interplanetary travel, you have proven your readiness to join the wider galactic community. We will be dispatching representatives to facilitate your integration into our society. Please select five representatives of your species and transport them to the following spatial and temporal coordinates for the initiation of diplomatic relations. Have a nice day!”
GPS coordinates for a spot in the middle of the Pacific Ocean followed, along with a date and time. The world reacted with confusion and panic. Many believed the broadcast to be a hoax, though the sheer scope seemed logistically and technologically impossible. Experts grudgingly reached a consensus that this may have been genuine first contact from some sort of alien species.
After rigorous debate, the United Nations eventually decided that the best course of action was to do as the broadcast said: select five people to represent humanity and send them to the given coordinates. It would be up to these five individuals to make first contact, and possibly decide mankind’s ultimate fate in the wider galaxy.
Hosted and narrated by:
Lux Tizer (Luxtizer)
Started 10/21/17.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License