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By 2252, the Earth has been altered drastically by climate change and the geo-engineering technologies that tried to counteract it. There are still some settlements and cities, but drought, desertification, wildfires, pollutants, and more have wiped out much of life.

Business empires have become real empires, and historical governments are largely figureheads. To keep companies stable, the position of CEO is passed down by blood. Those in major business owning families live in huge complexes that are able to lift off the ground. They are mostly self-sustaining.

The game is set in the flying city of Soulcast, where the ruling family and controlling interests of Soulcast, Inc. live in safety.

Hosted by: Iris Shreve (Shrevei)

Rotating narration

Started 08/06/22. Scenes played: 3

License: Community License