The dragonriders are the pride of the kingdom of Pridia, an independent (and independent-minded) aerial combat force that has made them the terror of the Northern continent.
Riders frequently engage in combat missions, either alone or in support of the army or navy. In peacetime they engage in regular patrols, as a dragon can overfly the entire kingdom in two days, and make a complete circumnavigation of the border in a week.
Between missions, Riders and dragons make their home in the Aerie, a specially designed lair carved out from a mountain peak overlooking the capital city of Erydo. And of course, living in close quarters with each other (and with their dragons) means they develop strong bonds, and strong rivalries…
Worldbuilding notes (Please read before making a character):
Narrator’s Notes:
I’m more interested in the “writing” aspects of Storium than in the “gaming” aspects. I do use cards, but for me the story is more important.
That means that limited control of other player’s characters is okay (e.g. for dialogue). Please don’t do anything drastic without asking first, and I encourage players to collaborate on moves.
If I or another player does something with your character that you feel is significantly out of character, please let me know right away and I’ll put in a revision request.
I hope, however, that we can treat this like an improv sketch, and try to keep revisions to a minimum. Let’s try to build off each other, not contradict.
Game Structure
I intend this game to be heavily episodic. What does this mean? It means that each chapter will have a handful of scenes in it that, together, tell a cohesive story. The next chapter will be an entirely different mission/event/etc.
This allows for people to easily drop in and out as real life allows, and lets me accept a large cast, as not everyone has to participate in every chapter.
Having said that, please please please communicate! I totally get that real life gets in the way of online funtimes, but if you have to drop out in the middle of an episode (vacation, whatever) please just let me know. I promise I won’t be mad.
I encourage players to collaborate on their moves. I encourage players to build off the wordbuilidng outline I’ve given you – make stuff up! If you’re worried about it not fitting, run it by me first. You can add stuff to the google document. I also encourage players to suggest plots for episodes.
I am not going to be enabling rotating narration for this game; currently the only option for rotating narration is every scene and I don’t feel that will work with this setup. If it ever becomes an option to switch every chapter/every X number of scenes, then I may give it a shot.
Character Creation
Please read the worldbuilding notes before making a character.
Please choose one of the Nature cards provided.
For the rest, I have made some cards as examples/idea sparkers, but I am happy for players to make up their own so long as they are consistent with the established worldbuilding.
Avatars are strongly preferred.
Please leave the name of your dragon and a short description (color, personality) in the character commentary. If you are accepted to the game I will make you an asset card to represent your dragon.
Thank you!
Hosted and narrated by:
Completed 12/22/15.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License