In the world of Attera, the Guild of Defenders is renowned for their good deeds across the land. As the guild grows, however, more and more hopefuls join up looking for fame and riches. Have the Defenders of Justice lost touch of their original goals?
You are a group of apprentice defenders who have just completed their solo training under a master defender. You have been gathered together ready to start your first quest as a team.
Hello there!
I’ve been wanting to run a storium game for a while and so knocked together a story to try! I wanted to make sure I knew where this was going (as I find a lot of narrators seem to wing it) so this story has a definite objective and end. However this could be the first quest of many, and could turn into a long campaign. I will weave hints to an overarching plot into this quest.
Attera is your average D&D style world. I may add my own lore in here or there, but feel free to make up your own as well. If you have any issues or want to discuss any back story, please feel free to message me privately.
I’m looking for 4-6 players for now. And I’m quite happy to let people go and gain new players as we go along, that’s not going to be an issue for this kind of game.
All kinds of themes are encouraged! let’s try to keep it pg15 but action, romance, and intrigue are always fun, not to mention a bit of comic relief.
Hosted and narrated by:
Esme Brand (Nomplay)
Started 11/09/15.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License