You wake up on the Greyhound bus. You must have fallen asleep sometime after the 50th cornfield that you passed. You’re in front of some gas station and the bus driver is no where to be seen, he must be inside. You check your cell phone for the time, it’s one in the morning and you’re getting 0 bars. You hear a banging sound at the door, that must have been what woke you up.
The bus is dark, but as you wake up you realize the bus driver is on board after all, laying against the wheel, motionless. The banging at the door is getting louder before you hear something break and the sound of footsteps as someone gets on the bus.
Dark Skies is a survival/horror game set in the modern day. Characters can be anyone who would be on an intercity greyhound bus somewhere in the Midwest, feel free to make your own Nature card. No character can be armed though, and no supernatural powers. This will be a relatively short game, the equivalent of a one-shot in RPG speak.
I’m looking for Four-Six Players and will give preference to including a character portrait.
Hosted and narrated by:
Benjamin Baer (neaden)
Started 05/18/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License