The year is 2122. A series of political and economic disasters throughout the course of the twenty first century have led to the decline and disintegration of nearly all major governments. Governance is almost exclusively local now, and the real power is held by the massive global corporations which control most of the world’s economy.
The San Francisco bay area is no exception to these trends. There is no longer any United States to speak of, nor is there a functioning State of California. Tiny municipal governments do their best to keep things in order, but the MegaCorps headquartered in the city make all the important decisions.
The bay area is a place where the divisions between rich and poor are extremely stark. Corporate executives live in gleaming luxury skyscrapers, enjoying the incredible luxuries of twenty second century life. The poor are left to languish in the slums, dangerous and squalid places where life is cheap.
In San Francisco, money is everything. If you can afford something, you can have it. If you can’t, you’re out of luck. Justice is no exception. Law enforcement is now entirely handled by private corporations. If you want a crime solved, you need to pony up the creds to get it handled. If you can’t afford it, it’s your problem.
Law enforcement and security services for the area are almost exclusively handled by Olympus Security Services, one of the corporations which dominates the city. They provide everything from patrol services to criminal investigation. They don’t come cheap, but their detectives have a reputation as second to none.
OOC Information:
This story aims for the style of a gritty noir detective tale in a cyberpunk setting. All characters will be investigators of one type or another working for Olympus Security Services.
I am looking for about five or so players. Please be prepared to make moves every couple days. Characters who go more than a week without any activity or any advance notice may be retired.
Ideally I’d like to have a group of diverse characters with different natures, strengths, weaknesses, and subplots. Feel free to either use the ones provided or create your own.
There will likely be NSFW content in this story, including violence, sexual content, and profanity.
Hosted and narrated by:
Lux Tizer (Luxtizer)
Started 11/05/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License