Realities and parallel worlds began to collapse and were cemented into one, singular world, a fantastic conglomerate reality, in the year 2019. Three planets orbit each other, the New Earths of Ultimos, Orbis, and Mundus. Many species and factions interact and collide on these spheres, providing an atmosphere where literally anything can happen. You are here, in the Impossible City of Wanderlost, where anything can be found, bought or done, to make your fortune, your name, your mark on the Worlds. Welcome to the Post-Convergence.
(All world-building aside, this is an urban-fantasy/sci-fi adventure with more than a hint of cosmic horror/the occult, where grand quests, dark intrigue, delving into deep secrets and finding the new and astonishing are everyday.)
We move as fast as possible, because I’m running this game to stay sane. Have fun!
Hosted and narrated by:
Zia Annis (Aziza)
Started 05/10/16.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License