It has often seemed odd that the intelligent folks of the Northern reaches of Europe, just as smart as people today, could have worshipped such violent and strangely humanoid gods. It is now the modern day and there has been a recent surge into the study of the Norse gods. But many scholars in England and northern Europe have died violently as they investigate into the mysteries of the ancient Norse religion. Something might in fact be behind the awful and violent history of these ancient religions.
Characters in this story are either from Northern Europe or England and are pulled into these strange conspiracies that span the two countries. This story uses the occult-pulp horror deck, though I am using and creating many of my own cards.
This story was inspired by a story by Robert E. Howard, where it was very lovecraftian, but the god in question was Odin, rather than some unpronoucible creation of the author’s own imagination. This game will combine Lovecraftian, Bensenian, and Howardian horror with Norse mytholology.
A few things to consider.
- I encourage custom cards when players make their characters, and as long as they aren’t absurd, I’ll probably allow any of them.
- I don’t believe in word limits and keep commentary private.
- I at the very least would like between 2-3 posts from each player each week, though as fast as you can go is how I would like it to work ideally.
- I’m blind so I don’t provide art for my custom cards, I don’t require art from my players unless they want to use them.
- I don’t follow the 3-act structure of Storium. Insstead I have a 6-chapter structure + a short epilogue scene at the end, each chapter covers a major episode or event in the story.
- I look for writers over gamers in my games. I will leave open invitations open the entire two weeks, but then I will take the best 5 submissions I get for it. I have the right to make a character of my own in the story if we don’t have enough players at the beginning or some of them vanish later on.
Hosted and narrated by:
Zachary Ruffing (Rattannah)
Completed 11/11/18.
Scenes played: 19
License: Community License