In 1969, a luxurious Warsaw Hotel is hosting a lavish function behind the Iron Curtain. Diplomats local and foreign, wealthy citizens, and even the odd benighted noble will be in attendance, along with all manner of socialites and hangers-on. The field is ripe for a few cunning operatives from both sides to take advantage to trade and steal information - or to be caught in the act.
Story Data:
There is only one reality-shattering guideline. This hotel has one point of entrance and egress: the gated front door. If the gate is locked, the players cannot leave.
This is a party, not a guns-out massacre - at least at the beginning. I will provide missions / immediate circumstantial data / inventory information in the opening scene, utilizing elements from your backstory and your card selections.
This story is a fluid string of events that can be altered, encouraged or averted by player actions. I will be providing time stamps at the beginning and end of each scene.
Story dynamics overrule card mechanics, but expect to have the opportunity to refresh your decks on a regular basis.
If you have private questions or concerns regarding the story or your character, you can reach me at
Hosted and narrated by:
Vaero M (Vaero)
Started 12/08/18.
Scenes played: 7
License: Host License